
Links to current projects, or have worked with in the past.

Kettle's Yard

House & Gallery invigilator, coordinator of Castle Hill Open Day 2015 and facillitator of Kettle's Yard out reach community events during closure in 2016. Since reopening, February 2018, I now also enjoy preparing flowers for the cottages and cafe as a volunteer and working in the House and Gallery as a Visitor Assistant and support Duty Manager.

Drawing Connections the edges

Drawing Connections is a creative branch of the Learning Together tree. Bringing Creative Practitioners in to the Prison environment for shared learning, engaging in different skills and strengths to encourage joined up thinking and promote positive mental health for restorative transformation and wellbeing.

Drawing Connections is developping as a creative branch of the LT Tree. Bringing creative pratitioners in to the Prison environment for interdiciplinary experiences, to draw connections for join up thinking.



Pivotal is a group of people working together to identify and promote positive change to protect the environment and create a more balanced world.


Fellow, as of May 2020



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